Awww! Raggie's a good big brother!
Today is Owen's 3 month birthday! I can't believe time goes this fast! There is a Mexican folk tale that says if you measure your baby when he is 90 days old and take that number times 3, that is how tall he will be when he's full grown. So Ryan and I measured Owen today, and he is 24 inches tall, which puts him at 6 feet full grown. If that comes out to be true, he must have inherited tallness from my side of the family. Ryan is about 5'9"-10", and I don't think anyone on his side of the family is much taller than that. My dad and brothers, on the other hand, are all over 6 feet tall, so if he ends up 6 feet, he'd be about in the middle of Ryan's side and my side. Only time will tell, but the person that told us about this folk tale said that his grandma (who is Mexican) did this for him and his brothers and they all came out true. And he said he is about 5 inches shorter than his brothers. So, anyway, check back on this issue in about 18 years. :)
I'm starting to think I either jinxed myself by bragging that my baby sleeps for 10 hours, or daylight savings really messed with Owen, but he was doing SO good with sleeping until last Sunday (the first day after we changed our clocks forward). I've started doing a routine with him before bed: bath, story, songs, eat, and bed. It was working really great for awhile. One night Owen fell asleep around 9 pm and slept until 8:30 am! The next two nights he went 10 hours! It was so awesome. BUT, for the last two nights, I have been doing the same bedtime routine with him and he starts to fall asleep while I'm feeding him, but then the second I put him in his crib, he is wide awake and just wants to talk. And if I'm not in there for him to talk to, he's mad. So I usually put him down at 9:00, but the last two nights he didn't settle down until midnight. :( He spoiled me and now he's being crabby. But I know it could be much worse, but it still kind of sucks. It's been hard to get his naps on a schedule because we don't get up at the same time each day, and sometimes we are home all day and sometimes we are out and about, so his naps are kind of random. I hope he gets back on track.
I thought it might be kind of interesting to see how much Owen has changed in these past three months, so here are some pictures. It's crazy how much they change in the first month- he looked so different in just a few days, but I'm just going to show monthly pictures:
Birth day - December 16, 2009
1 month - January 16, 2010
2 months - February 16, 2010
3 months - March 15, 2010
I took this one yesterday- it was his first time enjoying the outside! Except it doesn't look like he's enjoying it very much!
The weather has been awesome the last few days - upper 50's and lower 60's (today was cold and rainy, though). So yesterday was the first time Owen has actually been outside. Every time before this he has been in his carseat covered up with a blanket. But I think I enjoyed the weather much more than he did. I think he had just woken up when I took him out there, so he looks pretty bored.
As far as I can tell, Owen is right on track development wise, if not even a little ahead. He's been able to hold his head up and "talk" for a LONG time, and lately he has been able to grab the animals on his bouncy, he can put all of his weight on his feet, he can put his fist in his mouth to suck on it, and I think he's starting to notice his hands. You know how babies figure out that they have a hand and just stare at it? I think he's doing that. I expected him to be more surprised by it, though. And yesterday he rolled from his back to his side for the first time! Can't make it all the way over yet, his darn arm is in the way. I rolled him on his tummy after he did that to see if he'd roll over like that (since it's easier to go from tummy to back), but he just layed there. I'm going to have to be EXTRA careful about letting him lay on the couch and stuff now that he can roll a little.
The temperature is supposed to go back down to near freezing this weekend, which sucks, because Owen and I are going to Elkader for my soon to be sister-in-law's bridal shower. I was looking forward to taking Punky for walks. I'm SO looking forward to summer. I keep seeing little baby swim trunks and sunglasses. They are so cute and my aunt got us a baby pool at my baby shower, so I'm excited to be able to use it. I hope he likes the water! If he's anything like me, he will. I used to go swimming EVERY DAY in the summer. Maybe in the years to come we will have to get pool passes, especially if we are still in Cedar Falls. There is a really nice aquatic center here that is great for kids, so it will be fun to be able to take him there. I can't wait, but part of me thinks he's growing too fast the way it is. I just want him to stay little forever!
The temperature is supposed to go back down to near freezing this weekend, which sucks, because Owen and I are going to Elkader for my soon to be sister-in-law's bridal shower. I was looking forward to taking Punky for walks. I'm SO looking forward to summer. I keep seeing little baby swim trunks and sunglasses. They are so cute and my aunt got us a baby pool at my baby shower, so I'm excited to be able to use it. I hope he likes the water! If he's anything like me, he will. I used to go swimming EVERY DAY in the summer. Maybe in the years to come we will have to get pool passes, especially if we are still in Cedar Falls. There is a really nice aquatic center here that is great for kids, so it will be fun to be able to take him there. I can't wait, but part of me thinks he's growing too fast the way it is. I just want him to stay little forever!