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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

39 weeks

Ryan and I are a little disappointed that Owen didn't come out on his own this weekend. On Friday we went to Carlos O'Kelly's to eat spicy food, Saturday I walked around Wal-Mart for over an hour, and Sunday my friend Molly came up to give me a massage (and hit some labor inducing pressure points), but none of it worked. I guess he's just not ready to come out, but that's too bad because he's coming tomorrow whether he wants to or not! I've been having contractions every day that are regularly spaced and starting to get painful, but they always stop before anything happens.

I went to my last day of student teaching yesterday. I had originally planned to go today too, but since it's the last week anyway, which is usually an observation week, there really isn't a whole lot for me to do, and I decided to take today to relax. Or try to anyway. So far, I'm not too anxious, but I have a feeling that last night was my last good night of sleep for a LOOOOOOONG time! I'm afraid I won't sleep at all tonight, and Ryan probably won't be able to either. It's weird to think that today is the last day that it's just Ryan and me. He has the day off today, too, but we don't have any plans. I guess we'll just do any last minute stuff and run some errands.

We are getting really excited! Look for some pictures in the next few days!!

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