Wow! My little baby is already four weeks old! This last month has gone by pretty fast. It's scary to think how fast the rest of the year (even the next 18 years) is going to go! At his first well baby appointment, which was when he was five days old, he had gained back some weight he had lost since he was born, since all babies lose a little weight after birth. He was a little jaundice, as I have already mentioned in another post, but we just had to keep him well fed. So when we took him back for his 2 week appointment, he had gained another pound (up to 9 lbs 1 oz) and his jaundice was gone. I can tell that he's gaining weight (although I haven't weighed him lately) because he's starting to get little fat rolls and is getting harder to lift out of the bassinet for nighttime feedings when I'm half asleep! He does have baby acne though, on his cheeks and under his chin, but the doctor said there isn't anything you can do for it and that most babies get it. It will eventually go away. Still a cutie pie, though! :)
A little tummy time
Sleeping is going pretty good. He likes to sleep, but unfortunately, sometimes he does all of his sleeping during the day and then wants to stay up until 2 am, which is not what I want to do! Most of the time, though, he does really well at night and usually wants to eat about every 2-3 hours. Sometimes I get even luckier and he'll go four hours. I love those times! Since I'm nursing, I have him sleeping in a bassinet next to my side of the bed. It's really nice to just be able to grab him out and feed him, rather than get up and go make a bottle in the middle of the night. The downside is that I'm the only one that can feed him. I did get a pump, but I still just think it's easier to nurse him at night. I love having the pump though, because even though I'm glad I decided to nurse, I don't really want to do it in public, and I can get away for more than a few hours if needed. Also, other people can feed him sometimes. Owen and I really don't get out too much, though, since it's been so cold lately (but starting to get much better), and it just seems easier to stay home sometimes. I want Owen to get used to bottles right away, so he gets 1 or 2 bottles a day, and other than that, I just nurse him.
I'm sure this next month is going to go just as fast, and at his 2 month doctor appointment, he has to get his first round of vaccinations. He's not going to like it, but I have a feeling I'm going to like it less. Poor baby!
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