Owen is all over these days and it's been fun. The picture above is of him under the end table. He's a total boy, getting into everything he's not supposed to, over and over and over! :) And today the best thing happened: Owen was in the living room playing while I was getting supper ready in the kitchen, and he started getting fussy and crying a little. I walked into the living room, and when I was about 5 feet away from him, he saw me and crawled over to me and grabbed my legs, like "Pick me up, Mommy! I'm so glad you are here!" It was the first time he has crawled to me to be picked up, and it gave me the best feeling. There have been a few times that he has grabbed my arms to be picked up, especially when he's ready to get out of the tub, but I have always been right next to him, and even though those times were pretty cool too, it was 10 times better that he crawled to me. He's finally starting to show me love, and it's AMAZING! I'm so excited for when he gives me hugs and kisses.
I have another video of Owen crawling. He can also get into a sitting position when he's one all fours which is pretty cool. He's learning stuff so fast! This was taken a week after the first one, and you'll probably notice he doesn't have any clothes on....again! I usually just leave him in just a diaper unless we are going somewhere or if we had gone somewhere earlier that day. I don't see the point when it's 100° outside, and it means less laundry for me! :) Anyway, here's O Baby showing off his crawling:
I also set up his high chair today, because we go to the doctor tomorrow and I'm sure she will tell us to start solids. Some doctors give the OK at four months, but babies don't really need any nutrition other than milk until 6 months, which is fine by me since he's been eating for free for his whole life! The high chair that we got is actually more of a booster seat, in that it sits on top of a regular kitchen chair instead of being free standing. I put him in it today and let him practice with a sippy (which he is getting better at) and he seemed to like it. I'm kind of excited to see his reaction to "real" food.
The dogs are doing so awesome with Owen. He loves to laugh at them, and they love to give him kisses!
I've also been trying to get rid of the pacifier. Last night was the first night, and he cried and SCREAMED for about 40 minutes. I felt so bad for him and went in his room a few times to try to calm him down, but it didn't work, so I just had to let him cry himself to sleep. Today for his naps he didn't cry at all, and when I put him down for the night he whimpered a little for about 10 minutes and that was it. So hopefully we will be done with the paci! I don't really mind having it, but from what I've read in books, it's better to get rid of it now when he doesn't really know any better, than when he's older, so I'm going for it. I'm a little scared for when we are out and about and he gets cranky, because the pacifier really did work awesome, but I can't look back now. Wish us luck!
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