Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010


My little guy is always on the go. He got this walk toy a little more than a month ago, but it isn't very heavy and Owen hasn't really been able to use it as it's intended because it goes fast and its easy for him to pull it down. But yesterday, my 8 month old cutie finally used his walk toy for more than just something to touch.

I like how he's staring at me the first time. He was getting frustrated that he was running into stuff - he needs more room!

Owen is also getting good at standing without holding on to things, and he's especially good at it when he's distracted. Last night he was chewing on my cell phone and watching TV while he stood for about 15 seconds by himself! Fifteen seconds is a long time! Ryan was also standing him up and letting go, and Owen would stand there for awhile and even took 1 step! Oh my goodness, I'm not ready for this, but it's so exciting!!!

It's getting harder and harder to get Owen to lay still to change his diaper, so the other night after his bath, he played naked for awhile. I figured I'd rather clean up some pee (or poop, but he'd already done that a couple of times that day, so I figured the chances were small) than to have him get mad and fussy, and ended up taking some pictures. : )
He'd rather play with the diaper than wear it!

Owen got his first cold, and I'm the one that gave it to him : ( I got a cold more than a week ago (and its finally just starting to get better) and I tried really hard not to give it to him, but I can't keep my hands or kisses away from him! Ryan and I went out of town last Saturday and Sunday morning, so Owen stayed with some friends of ours. He wasn't sick yet when we left him, but they said he didn't have a very good night and was just not being himself. Which means he was snuggling with them and rocking in the chair with them, instead of crawling around like a crazy man! Luckily he wasn't being fussy, he was still smiling and laughing, but he was definitely not his active self. His nose was really runny and he had a fever on Sunday, but then by Monday he was loads better. I wish I had gotten better that fast! His fever was gone and his nose was much better and he was back to his active ways. It must be my magic milk! : ) This was the first time he had been sick with anything, and hopefully this is an indicator of how good his immune system is. I'm so glad I decided to breastfeed!

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