Yeah, yeah. I stink at keeping up on my blog. So here's a BUNCH of pictures to tell some stories about what we have been up to since Christmas.
Daddy went shopping and bought Owen an Iowa stocking cap (the exact same one that Ryan has) and a new sweatshirt. Here he is modeling them.
I tried to catch him making his "mean face", but he would start to laugh before the picture was done taking. Here's the most ferocious one I could capture:
Here are a couple of him sleeping. In the first one, he's pushed all the way into a corner of his crib because he has so much stuff in his crib - stuffed animals, pillows, books, and blankets. But God forbid I take any of them out!
This second one shows him falling asleep for a nap with Fruit Loops and his computer. He LOVES that computer! He's so cute when he's sleeping! Oh, and when he's awake, too! --->
My little punky LOVES to help! In fact, he will throw a fit if you do laundry, unload the dishwasher, start the dishwasher, give the dogs food, or sweep without him. So here he is, sweeping up his hair after a new buzz cut.
"My wuv egg, Mommy!" --->
Owen also loves to help cook and bake. So here he is "cooking soup" (stirring water) while I was making minestrone.
And here he is helping me with brownies. --->
Showing off his cool "tattoos" - Lightning McQueen and on the other arm is Mater.

We went shopping the next day and found this AWESOME Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack for Owen. He didn't get much say in the matter. : )
March started out pretty warm, so we decided Owen needed some rain boots for all the mud (and winter dog poop) in the yard. He did get to pick these out! I had to cut off the tags and the plastic binding them together so he could wear them through the store. He will wear them rain or shine. --->
Owen stayed at Grandma Angie's for a weekend, and when he came home, I had underpants and a potty seat for him. He wore the underpants for a while that day (Captain America ones shown here), but later on he got to running a little too fast and fell and face planted right onto the edge of the coffee table in this picture. LOTS of blood and swelling...
This is actually him a day or two later. The picture doesn't really do it justice, though, poor baby! He didn't look like himself and had a hard time using a sippy cup. We did lots of snuggling.
We haven't been pushing potty training
too hard. He's not ready. He will go every once in a while, but he mostly refuses.

On the slide at the playground. --->
Playing with Play Doh and his dump truck (an almost nightly ritual).
And last, but not least, what little boy doesn't love to blow bubbles? This is the first year he's been able to do it by himself, and he loves it!
So that's what we have been up to. The crazy kid gets smarter everyday and its so fun because I don't know what he learns all the time at daycare, and then out of the blue he will say something and I just think, 'Did my two year old just say that?!' He's SO smart!!!!!!!!
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