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Friday, October 19, 2012

25 Weeks

I'm 25 weeks along this week, and I thought I start with a bump comparison:

Me today
Me at 25 weeks with Owen

It's a little hard to compare because I'm farther away in the new picture, but I think the bumps are about the same size. A different shape,though - this time I'm more round and maybe a bit higher? I don't know, maybe it's also hard to tell because my shirts are different lengths. I should have been wearing a longer shirt in the older picture.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good. My last doctor's appointment was Monday and everything looks good. She measured my belly (my uterus, actually) and she said I'm actually measuring about a week big. I also got my flu shot, which was fine, my arm was just sore for a few days. I have to go in next week and do the first round of testing for gestational diabetes and they will also check my blood platelets and antibodies. With Owen, I failed the diabetes test and had to go back for the 3 hour test, which I passed, and my blood platelets were low and had to go to a blood disorder clinic and get blood drawn every couple of weeks. Yuck. I'm hoping this time goes better. The 3 hour diabetes test was awful - I literally felt high on sugar. And then felt like crap. You can't drink anything during it and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed with a gallon of water. And it's boring. I took a book and school things to work on during the 3 hours I was there, but I got so high on sugar that I couldn't focus on stuff. So I just had to sit there feeling sick and thirsty, and they draw blood once an hour, so my arm was pretty sore. Just yuck.

In a couple of weeks I start my third trimester. It's happening too fast! I want to just enjoy this pregnancy (it will be my last!!!) but I feel likes it's just flying by. She moves around quite a bit, which I LOVE, but Owen refuses to feel her. I'm determined to get him to by the end, though. Every time I put his hand on my belly, he pulls it away really fast. I try to do it while he's concentrating on something (like Sesame Street or Dinosaur Train), but he always figures it out before she moves for him. Little stinker.

I'll end the post with some pictures (not good ones) of Owen playing in our bazillion kajillion leaves. So. Many. Leaves. But he loved it! He even helped us rake and bag them!

This is an action shot -  he ran from the fence by the truck all the way to the pile and jumped. This happened about 3 thousand times. ; )

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