Happy Birthday, Owen! Sunday was my little man's third birthday. I can't believe he's three! We had a pretty low-key day, since we had his birthday party last weekend (which will be a separate post), but it was pretty good day, I'd say.
He came into our bed at 7:30 - a little earlier than I was hoping for, but he just snuggled with me and played with my hair while playing games on my phone and iPad for awhile. When I finally decided to get my butt out of bed, I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast (which took too long, so he had a "go-la (granola) bar") while he continued to play on the iPad in his room. I'm pretty sure he uses that thing more than Ryan and I get to! But I was trying to keep him out of the living room for a while, because his presents were in there and Ryan worked the night before and I wanted him to be able to sleep in for a while before Owen opened his gifts. It worked! The iPad is an awesome distraction for kids, plus all the apps Owen uses on it are educational. (Well, that's what I tell myself, anyway!)
After presents, we made a big mess in the living room getting them all out of the packages and he played for a while before we headed off to Independence to meet my mom at Pizza Ranch. We got there early, so we stopped at a park and checked out the tank and threw rocks in the water. I don't know what it is about throwing things into water, but Owen just loves to do it!
After lunch, we headed back to Cedar Falls. The Vikings were playing, but weren't on regular TV, so we went to Zsavooz to watch the second half. They kicked butt! Yay!
While we were there, Ron, Tammy and Emma came to give Owen a present. Ron and Tammy are friends of ours that love to watch Owen for us on weekends and let him spend the night. Emma is their daughter. Anyway, he got some nerf-like guns and bow and arrow, so when we got home, we had ourselves a little gun fight! I'm pretty sure Ryan and I were having just as much fun as Owen, and Ryan's pretty good with that bow and arrow!
And that was about it! After that it was time to relax for a little bit and then head to bed!
Owen's new gun and reindeer shirt with googly eyes! : ) |
Happy birthday to the coolest, cutest, smartest three year old I know!
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