Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Non Stress Test

Well, I'm still pregnant! 40 weeks and 3 days. So at my weekly appointment with my midwife, they hooked me up to a monitor for a non stress test (NST), which they do for all patients who are overdue. It's a twenty minute test that monitors baby's heart rate and my contractions. Basically, they want to see that her heart rate goes up and down with activity and that it isn't dipping too low. My midwife walked in the door in the middle of it and could tell from across the room that she is doing fine in there! She passed with flying colors and the midwife says that's a really good indication that baby is healthy and safe.

That being said, she did set up my induction date for February 4th - this Monday. At that time I will be 41 weeks and 1 day. She said they set inductions for overdue patients at around 41 weeks because it is possible that they won't be able to fit me in that day and we'd have to reschedule, and they really don't want you to go past 42 weeks. So this gives us some leeway. So Monday morning I am supposed to call the hospital at 6 am to see if they still have room for me that day, and if so, I'm to be at the hospital at 7 am. Depending on how dilated I am, and I opted out of checking that today, there are different ways to go about inducing labor. If I'm 3cm or more, they will most likely start right up with Pitocin, but if I'm not at 3 cm, they use a gel that is supposed to dilate me. Or, if I'm dilated enough and baby's head has dropped enough, they could break my water for me and see if that got things going. Which with Owen, the doctor breaking my water is what finally got things REALLY moving, even though I had been getting the Pitocin for a few hours.

BUT, I'm hoping to avoid all of that and go into labor on my own. The weather sucks today - lots of snowing and blowing and travel is NOT advised - so tomorrow would be better. : ) I didn't even go into work this morning and only went this afternoon because my doctor's office is close to work and I was NOT going to miss my appointment! : ) I made it just fine, just took my time.

I don't think there's much of a chance that she will come yet today, but if she wants to be a January baby, she better get her butt in gear! Just the rest of today and tomorrow left! Otherwise, Little Miss will be a February baby.

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