Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 22, 2011


This weekend we went down to visit Ryan's mom and the rest of the family. Last weekend was Ryan's birthday, so he got to open his present from his mom and stepdad - matching Vikings jerseys for him and Owen!

Jared Allen jerseys

We pretty much just hung out at his mom's house and grilled and more family came over as well. Owen got to see 3 of his cousins, but he was being a momma's boy pretty bad, and really didn't want to have much to do with them. I think he wanted to hang out with the grown ups and be a ham and get them to laugh at him (which happened quite a bit!) :) He did get to jump on the trampoline, though, and had lots of fun chasing the puppies and finding the kikis (kitties).

On our way home on Sunday, we stopped to shop in both Coralville and Cedar Rapids. We wanted to try to find Owen a baseball cap that fit his head. He's always hated wearing hats, but last Thursday and Friday, he found one of Ryan's hats and HAD to wear it to daycare both days. Just flat out refused to take it off. It was so cute, but obviously way too big for him. I took his picture on Thursday, but my phone died (because Owen dropped it in a bucket of oil), so I don't have it anymore. But anyway, we found him one with a puppy on it at Gymboree in Coralville and then an Iowa Hawkeye one in Cedar Rapids. He wore the puppy one out of the store and did a pretty good job of keeping it on. Here are a few pictures:

Is he going to ride the bike or fix it?

Running with the puppies

Mowing the not-so-green grass
I don't have a picture of his Hawkeye hat yet, and the puppy one says, 'Brave Like Daddy' on it. :) CUTE!

We also got a new car! We got 4 years newer, 70,000 miles fewer, and lots more miles per gallon because we traded in our SUV for a Nissan Altima. We really like it, and have already seen how much gas we save when we took it to Muscatine this weekend. It's weird driving new vehicles, especially going from an SUV to a small car - I feel down so low! But it drives so smooth and I just LOVE it! Still getting used to the touchy brakes, though! :)

2010 Nissan Altima

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Owen loves animals. His favorite book is an animal book and he's always pointing them out on TV, in real life or in his books. We've been working on some animal sounds. Here's a cute little video:

My favorites are the lion and the kitty :)

Owen also loves to jump (or as he would say, "bump"). He takes every pillow off the couch and puts them in a pile on the floor so he can jump off the couch onto his landing pad. I tried to get some action pictures, but this is the best I got.

Another thing we are working on is saying "Please". He is such a little smartie, and it didn't take long for him to catch on. The other day he was eating lunch, and said, "more". Well, he still had lots of hot dog and peas left, so I asked him, "More what?" because I genuinely didn't know what he wanted. His reply: "Wease!" (Please). I was kind of surprised he said that because it was a pretty new word and not what I meant by my question at all! It turned out he wanted more ketchup. He actually says it quite often now, but most of the time we ask him to say it. There have been a few times, though, that he's asking me for something, but I can't understand him, so I say "What do you want?" and he'll just say, "Wease". Makes me smile every time. :)

Owen loves to take baths, which he has now learned to say "bath", so he requests them a lot. I have a hard time getting him out of the bath most days, but I now have a secret weapon that hasn't failed me yet...I tell him it's time to brush his teeth. He loves it! He'll yell, "TEETH!" and wants to get out right away and is so excited to brush them. He lets me brush them for a while, but then he wants to do it and after a few minutes, you have to pry the toothbrush away from him. But that's ok with me. I just hope he doesn't get my crooked adult teeth that takes years of braces to fix! But for now I'll just worry about keeping them clean :)


Being silly

Here's another cute video

The quality on both videos today aren't that great because they are from my phone video camera. It's just so convenient to use because I can upload them right to YouTube from my phone without having to plug anything in. But it looks nicer on my phone than on the computer :(