Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I am not disciplined enough to do any sort of exercise except sports and the occasional walk. Owen, on the other hand, is starting early. His exercise regimen started about a month ago, when he started doing baby crunches (or sit ups), in an attempt to try to sit up or see something that he couldn't while laying down. And now, at 5 1/2 months, he has started doing push ups. And I don't just mean using his arms to push up on his belly, I mean a full on push up on his tippy toes. I couldn't believe it the first time I saw it and it took me four days to finally get a picture of it.

He's been able to rollover for about a month now from back to tummy, but he FINALLY learned how to roll back over this week. He makes it look really easy (and it's supposed to be easier to go from tummy to back), but I think he just never thought to try until recently. He's rolling all over the place now. No need for crawling - if he wants something, he will figure out a way to roll and shimmy his way over to it. And I love that play mat in the picture above, but he's not on it for long anymore!

Owen has also gotten used to being on his tummy. He really doesn't mind it at all anymore, and actually started rolling over in his crib and sleeping that way. For awhile, he would get mad that he rolled over in his crib, but not anymore.

The weather has been awesome lately, so last weekend when Owen and I went to Elkader, we went for a couple of walks. He loves it and looks pretty cute in the process!

My brother and sister-in-law got married a couple of weeks ago in Jamaica. Unfortunatley, Ryan and I couldn't go, but Owen still got a souvenir! Can you guess who it's from?

It says I Love Mommy & I Love Daddy...but Grandma and Grandpa are the BEST!

I have been waiting for his first teeth to start showing, but nothing so far. He is the drooliest baby and is ALWAYS chewing on his fingers, a teether, or a pacifier, but no sign of a tooth yet. And this has been going on for a while. Maybe he just likes the taste of his hand!

I love this picture!

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