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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day!

At the graduation, Owen wanted to take pictures

Yesterday was my first Mother's Day! My parents, brother, his wife and kids, Owen and I had spent Saturday night at my other brother and soon to be sister-in-law's house because my brother graduated from Vet school on Saturday. So Sunday morning we all went out for a Mother's Day breakfast at IHOP. Then my parents and I packed up and headed back to Cedar Falls. So I was able to spend Mother's Day weekend with my mom! :) Then, back in CF, Ryan, Owen and I went out for ice cream and ate it in park, before going for a little drive. Ryan and I used to do this on the Harley, but since our family has grown, we had to substitute the car! It was nice and relaxing, except when we drove by the shooting range in Black Hawk park, and the gun some guy was shooting was really loud and it scared the crap out of me. I knew we were in the shooting range, and Ryan had stopped the car, but I just thought he wanted to see if he could tell how good of a shot the guy was. I was kind of looking off in the other direction, toward the river, and when the guy shot his gun, I about hit the ceiling. It was kind of funny, because it was pretty silly of me not to expect a gun shot. My heart was racing for a while after that!

Owen was pretty fascinated by his cousin

When we got home, Ryan had to get ready for work, so then Owen and I got to spend the rest of the day together by ourselves. I put him down on this activity mat, and FINALLY got a video of him rolling over! As you'll see, it's pretty hard work! And he still doesn't really like being on his tummy for very long. After I stopped the video, he did manage to roll back over on his back, but it was partly because he grabbed ahold of one of the activity mat's arm things and kind of swung himself around. He hasn't been able to roll back over yet, but every time I put him on that mat, it doesn't take long before he's on his tummy!

So all in all, yesterday was a really good first Mother's Day, and I've gotten lots of use out of my new diaper bag that Owen gave me. I love it. Today, Owen has been a little cranky pants, but he's also taken a couple of naps and one of them was pretty long, so I even got a little nap! So that's a plus. I'm not sure why he's being cranky. He's not feverish, so I don't think he feels sick or starting to cut a tooth, so maybe he's just having a bad day. He was such a good boy all weekend, especially through the graduation, that he's earned a little cranky, I think! And even his cranky isn't too bad. I think I have the best baby ever! :)

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