I had my first "fun" doctor appointment today. She had to do a full exam, but that went really fast and then came an ultrasound! Yay! Baby was MOVING so much, that we really didn't get great pics, but here are the best two.
Measuring baby from butt to top of head - 7.06cm. Looking at baby's back. |
3D pic - the body parts are listed at the height of the actual body part. So go from the word to the left and there is the part. The hand is covering its eyes and forehead, bump of nose right under wrist. |
If you were looking very closely at the first picture, you may have noticed that at the top it says 7.7cm and I listed the baby at 7.06. I don't know exactly what the 7.7cm is, but this picture cut off the bottom right of the actual picture which lists the CRL (crown to rump length) as 7.06 cm and GA (gestational age) at 13 weeks 2 days. BUT, she takes the average of three measurements to come up with how far along I am, and it came to 13 weeks and 1 day. Which changes my due date from February 8 to January 27! They first determine your due date from the last time you have your period, but mine didn't like to keep a very good schedule, so that's why I was off by more than a week. Better to think you are behind schedule than to think you are ahead of schedule!
Another thing I learned is that this baby is from my left ovary! Owen was from my right one. They can tell because your ovary grows a cyst on it every time it releases an egg, and the cyst acts like a placenta until the real one grows and takes over.
All in all everything looked good and I go back in another month. The only bummer was that Ryan wasn't able to go with me because of work, but the appointment went great and I'm happy that I'm farther than I thought. Also, seeing the baby makes it more real! The first trimester is always so boring because you don't look pregnant and can't feel any movement. The only signs of pregnancy are bad ones! Nausea, fatigue, lots of peeing (especially at night!), being crabby and OUCHIE boobs!
Owen looked at the pictures of the baby and I think he is a little confused. First he asked if that was him, and then he just kept asking, "Who is that?" Maybe when I start to get a big belly, he'll start to really understand. He keeps saying he wants a baby sister. Last night he told me he thinks there is an Isabel in there (a baby from daycare). So cute. And I hope he's right!!
Yay for the arrival of the 2nd trimester! Owen will figure it out, he's just as old as Ian was. Never new that about cysts and ovaries. I'm with Owen and hope for a sister!