Every morning for the past week, Owen has been going pee pee on the potty. He has gone on the potty before, but now it is much more regular. It started one night when Owen and I had just gotten out of the shower and he was in my room with me still naked. We were talking and he suddenly turned and left and ran into the bathroom. He even got ON the potty all by himself and just started going! I was so happy and as a reward, Owen got LOTS of Reeses Pieces (or as he just calls them, M&Ms). That was a bit of a mistake, because the rule quickly changed to just 2 M&Ms for pee pee and 4 for poopy, but he wasn't very happy the first few times when he only got 2 - "I want wots of M&Ms, Mommy!"
So Ryan and I have been VERY happy that he is making progress going pee pee, but he was very against going poop on the potty. He always announces that he has to poop, so every time I will ask him/try to convince him to go on the potty, but he tells me NO! every time. So I haven't pushed it. And when we would talk about it, he would tell me that it's hard to go poop on the potty, but the word of the week for us has been TRY! I give him examples of things he has learned now that he has tried to do them a few times, like opening the front door from the outside. For the longest time, he would REFUSE to even try to open the door to get back in, which I will be honest, was very annoying. But after lots of tears and frustration, he finally tried it, and lo and behold found out that he actually could do it, and now he does it all the time and he is still proud of himself for doing it. So Ryan and I keep telling him he just needs to try going poop on the potty. And now, we have a new system.
Instead of 4 M&Ms for poop, we decided on prizes. So we told Owen that if he went poopoo on the potty, we would get him a new toy. We thought it was a good idea, but soon found out that the idea of a new toy is not motivational for a 2 and a half year old. So, we hit up Walmart Sunday night and bought him a big CAT dump truck, plus a prize box and various other prizes.

And we set them on a table where he can see them.
But, he has to poop on the potty to get them!
That kicked motivation into high gear. He wants that dump truck pretty bad! And bless his little heart, he tried 3 times Sunday night and once Monday morning to go. He just didn't have to, poor kid. After the first poop, he gets to pick a goody from the prize box, which includes cars, temporary tattoos, treats, and a Clifford movie. The prize box is also see through, for some added motivation. : )
Monday morning started the same way the last few mornings have. I got Owen up, took off his diaper (which was almost completely dry, maybe one little pee during the night), and asked if he wanted to pee on the potty. And he did and got 2 M&Ms for his reward. Every morning I write in Owen's daycare book (what time he got up, if he ate any breakfast, when I changed him, etc), so I wrote, again, that he peed on the potty and got a treat. Johnna (the daycare lady) has a son that is just 2 weeks older than Owen, and since she knew that Owen was starting to go on the potty, she told me that she was starting to potty train her son and asked if I wanted her to train Owen during the day. Of course! So at daycare, the boys get 1 M&M for trying (she must set a timer and has them sit on the potty when it goes off), 2 M&Ms for pee and 3 M&Ms for poop. I got a text after lunch that he had a dry diaper ALL morning! I was so happy! And when I picked him up at 5, she said he had on the same diaper that he came with! He peed on the potty ALL DAY! Whoo hoo! She writes in his notebook all day, so she wrote down every time he tried, every time he went, what he ate, when he napped, etc. He did such a good job! And Johnna and I both agreed that it's probably easier for both the boys to have a potty buddy. It's more fun with a friend!
So after that, I was even more certain that last night was the night for pooping on the potty. Plus, it was Ryan's birthday, so I had even more to bribe Owen with if necessary - birthday brownies.
But unfortunately, Owen had a big mood swing and was very uncooperative and stubborn last night. As soon as we got home I asked him if he had to go potty and he just flat out refused to even try to go pee. And right before supper, he put his shoes on to go outside (he really likes to poop outside. I think it's because of the dogs, I'm not kidding. Or maybe he just likes the fresh air, but he prefers to poop by one of the trees in our yard.) and I quick grabbed him and tried to remind him of the dump truck, but he was SO mad at me. Kicking, hitting, crying. Finally we calmed him down, and even took the dump truck out of it's package to show him. Then we sweetened the deal by getting out a package of M&Ms from his prize box, PLUS let him pick 2 tattoos, AND told him we could call Nana if he went on the potty (he LOVES talking on the phone). He wanted the truck and all the goodies, but just didn't want to go on the potty. And maybe it was all the kicking and screaming, but he managed to poop in his diaper at some point without us realizing it anyway. Bummer.
But after we cleaned him up, we put him in some Captain America underwear and he kept those clean and dry for the rest of the night, and peed on the potty right before bed. This morning, his diaper was pretty wet, but again, pee on the potty. I hope the day and night go the same.
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