Owen pooped on the potty! I'm a few days behind, it actually happened on Thursday night. He had gone to daycare in undies (still to this day he has only had one accident in undies, and that was very early on!) and when we got home, he wanted a diaper on. Dead giveaway that he needed to poop. I had said that I wasn't going to push him to go poop, but I definitely wanted to wait an hour or two before giving in. I reminded him about the dump truck and convinced him to try. We got as far as putting his Elmo seat on the potty ("So I don't fall in!" he says) and getting his shorts and underwear off before he told me he didn't have to go. So he played in the living room for awhile, and after about 20 minutes came up to me and said, "Mom, I got to go poop!"
"Let's try sitting on the potty, then!"
Ryan and I exchanged looks like, 'Is this happening?!' and I crossed my fingers at him. Owen and I ran back to the potty, and luckily I hadn't put his undies or shorts back on, because I barely got him on there and there was poop in the potty! I did my little potty dance for him and told him I was so happy. He said, "And Daddy will be so happy, and Nana will be so happy!"
So Owen got his big dump truck, a box of M&Ms (to share with Mommy and Daddy), and got to call Nana and tell her the big news. I am so proud of my BIG BOY!
That night I went out to supper to celebrate a friend's birthday and I got this picture text from Ryan
with the message: Poop on the potty like a big boy for the second time tonight!!!!
So for going poop again, he got to pick something out of his prize box. To my delight, he picket alphabet magnets to put on the fridge, and when I got home, he was excited to show me that he had them up already.
I'm a nerd and made him spell out his name for the picture! |
He sometimes gets upset that he has to wear a diaper to bed, so I may have to try buying Pull-Ups and convincing him that they are underwear for nighttime. My mom did appease him by putting undies over his diaper one night, so maybe I can just do that, too. He wakes up dry
most of the time, but I'm not ready to send him to bed in just undies yet. He is doing an AWESOME job, though.
Way to go Owen!!! Hopefully once he starts, he'll never stop. Wish we were closer; we still have all the pull-ups Ian didn't use under his bed.