I haven't heard anything from my doctor about the diabetes test, and when I was done I had asked for a print out of my results, and as far as I could tell, my glucose levels were fine and I don't have gestational diabetes. My platelets were still low, but I don't know that you can really do too much about that but keep it monintored.
This coming Saturday is my first baby shower! Since Ryan and I both work at the same sports bar, and have a lot of friends that either work there or are regulars there, we decided we wanted to have a boy/girl baby shower at the bar. It's pretty much just an excuse for all our friends to get together for cake and alcohol, and to bring us presents ;D Even though I can't partake in the alcohol part of it, I think it will still be a good time :) I'm pretty excited for it, and I'll be sure to post pictures from it.
Otherwise, there really isn't anything exciting going on. My mom came down on Saturday and helped me clean out junk from the baby's room, which is really nice to have done. Next weekend we are going to shampoo the carpet in there and then it will be ready for baby stuff! Thanks, Mom!
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