Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Well, I got the call from my nurse last Friday - I failed both of my blood tests :( Turns out I am anemic and my blood sugar was elevated, which means I have to go back for another test to see if I have gestational diabetes. The anemia thing isn't so bad, she'll probably just put me on iron vitamins, and actually I'm happy because I have been extra tired lately, but I thought it was just third trimester fatigue. So hopefully I'll get a little bit more energy. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (Monday), so I'll know more about everything then.

The high blood sugar was a little bit more of a shock, since they check my urine for sugar every time I go, and have only mentioned high sugar once, and that was right after I had eaten pancakes with maple sugar on them. But anyway, from what I hear the diabetes test takes four hours because I have to drink something and then they check my blood every hour for four hours. Not looking forward to that. But like I said, I don't know anything yet, I just got a voicemail from my nurse on Friday and I'll see her tomorrow. So I'll let you know.

I also finally got my flu shot, which I was a little nervous about because people always talk about how much it hurts and that their arm hurts all night and blah, blah, blah, but it was nothing! A tiny prick and now I feel just fine. I tried getting the shot a couple of weeks ago for free at UNI, but they ran out of them the first day they were offered! I was kind of mad that I went all the way there and then got nothing. I got it at Target Pharmacy though, and it was only $12 after insurance, so it wasn't that bad.

Anyway, I'll know more tomorrow about everthing, so I'll try to post again then.

1 comment:

  1. I failed the initial gestational diabetes test and had to do the 4-hour test when I was pregnant with Ian. I just hope you have someone who can find your veins better than I did! Good luck and hope the vitamins help with your energy level- I can relate in that area as well.
