Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick update

I went to the doctor yesterday and my nurse told me I am anemic, my blood sugar was high, and my platelets were low. So she put me on iron pills and I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to take the diagnostic test for gestational diabetes. They will also recheck my platelets, which are important for clotting. Low platelets could mean preeclampsia (high blood pressure) and can be bad for delivery/c-section because you need platelets to clot your blood. My blood pressure is fine, though, and my platelets were just under the cut off, so I'm thinking I'll be ok there.

So anyway, I assume it'll take a couple of days to get the results from the diabetes test, so I'll let you know when I find out. Even if I do have gestational diabetes, most women can control it just by changing their diet (which I don't really want to do :D I love chocolate!)

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